I’m glad to know you are here in Substack. I enjoyed your videos so much on TikTok.

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As a mom of three, two of my own and one adopted the biggest thing I’ve learned as a parent is we all are learning as we go. We’re not perfect but we learned from our mistakes along with our parents mistakes and try to make our children’s futures better. there is no manuals and we all have regrets but in the end all we can do is move forward and keep trying to make the best memories ever.

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Oh my gosh, Danielle! She looks just like you!! You’re a good mom, sweetie.

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I'm a Mom of 2 boys, so I don't know what it's like to raise a daughter. But I do understand what it's like to be a Mom of little ones and the struggle that brings! Before I had kids I thought I knew exactly what kind of mom I would be. Then I actually became a parent and all of that changed! Looking back, I definitely became the parent I thought other people wanted me to be. I made a lot of mistakes. As my kids got older and I got more confident in myself as a parent, I started doing things differently. My boys are 17 & 15 and doing way better than I ever did at that age! I was so afraid my kids would turn out like I did LOL! I credit this to being the kind of parent I wanted to be and not the kind of parent that everyone expected me to be

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Thanks so much for sharing this part of your life! I enjoyed reading about the journey you have been on.

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I was blessed with 3 daughters. The first @ 20 as a single parent. 10 years later after marrying my best friend from before child #1. Number 2, his first, my middle child and 3 years later my rebel child. Whom Spiritual friends say is my doppleganger. My mother was depression era and had her 1st @ 17, a serious case of arrested development. I was 19 months when she had my sister, followed by 5 boys. Girls are a gift but rough on Mom. Mother was one week short of 100, refusing to stay for her Jan. 6th birthday. We are originally from Florida, I grew up in a democratic state. Before Carpetbaggers took over. I registered her to vote in 2016 so she could vote against His Heinousness. Viva la Hillary long live Kamala. In Tenmessee our vote doesn't count as the Good Ole Boys gerrymandered this state. I voted Republican in the 1st election so I could vote against Andy Ogles and Marsha Blackburn. Then voted Democratic for the Presidential election. Trumps Neo Nazi's marched twice in downtown Nashville with Bill Lee's blessings. He does not represent the people but sucks up to party and money. Southern boots with Southern roots. Remember Julia Roberts and Dennis Quaid in, " Something to Talk About." Southern women are raised with a low set of expectations.

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