Post Election Birth Control Soars
Women are seeking more permanent options to prevent pregnancy
In a most certainly unsurprising turn of events, over the last few weeks since the reality of a second Trump administration starts to set in women all over America have increasingly requested more permanent forms of birth control.
The fear that with a second Trump Administration including religious nut jobs from all across the spectrum there will be additional attacks on family planning as promised in their Project 2025 manifesto.
Now OB/GYN’s all across America are reporting a rapid increase in requests like new IUD’s when the old one has not yet fully expired. Worrying that in a year or two when it is due to come out the availability of another will be non-existent. Or women calling in requesting the quickest appointment available for a tubal ligation. Some OB’s even reporting those calls the morning after the election.
The realization among women was instantaneous. Because we’ve been watching it come at us from red states all across the country.
On top of medical practitioners, corporations have also seen increase in sales of medications such as the morning after pill.
In the same reporting I found this quote so interesting:
And companies that sell emergency contraception and abortion pills say they’re seeing significant spikes in requests from people who are stockpiling the medications — one saw a 966% increase in sales of emergency contraception from the week before in the 60 hours after the election.
Because women know.
Our mothers have seen this before.
Our mothers lived it.
Our mothers lived in a time before birth control was even legal.
You think that a generation that was raised by those women aren’t going to do whatever we can in the mean time to protect ourselves and the women in our circles?
Crazy that this is what we are having to worry about in 2024!
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Women are Preparing
That is NOT How Government Works
Cabinet Pick Hell
Throwback Tik Tok favorite of mine: